Elections + Anthony Mock Appointment

Elections + Anthony Mock Appointment

We have a trustee vacancy up for re-election this November. With elections so close we would ideally prefer our members to choose this position through the voting process, however, our by-laws require us to fill the vacancy within 30 days. Given this, and the fact that we are so close to the election, we wanted to ensure that the person selected to complete the term has the support of the entire membership.

After communication amongst the Executive Board and feedback from the field we have selected Anthony Mock to fill this position. Last week the Executive Board unanimously ratified Anthony Mock as our newest trustee to fill this vacancy. In addition to the treatment he continues to undergo, Anthony has been instrumental in supporting our department and the union’s work around cancer awareness and prevention. We are extremely proud to announce Anthony Mock as the newest trustee. His term will expire at the end of 2024.

On that note, we want to remind our members that the September Membership meetings will include nominations for the following positions:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Sergeant at Arms
  • Trustee (9 in Phoenix, multiple in other chapters)

These meetings will be held at the American Italian Club, located at 7509 N 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020, on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, September 11 @ 9am
  • Thursday, September 12 @ 7pm

Nominations from these meetings will be placed on the ballot for the November meetings, where members will have the opportunity to elect their leaders for these positions.

We also want to address the interest many members have expressed in electronic voting. Our bylaws committee is meeting regularly and will be submitting proposed bylaw changes, including electronic voting, to the IAFF. This process typically involves some back and forth to ensure compliance with Department of Labor laws and IAFF bylaws. While we cannot guarantee the implementation of electronic voting, it is something we are actively working towards. Any changes to the bylaws will need to be ratified by the members before they can take effect. As a result, this year’s elections will be conducted using our current bylaws, which require a secret ballot box.

If you have any questions about the bylaws committee, please feel free to reach out directly to any committee members, including our two members-at-large, Chip Smith and Corey Raper.

Thank you for your continued support and participation.

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