Rescue Proposal Side Agreement + Negotiations

Rescue Proposal Side Agreement + Negotiations

One of the key issues currently is the proposed transition of nine (9) Peak Time Rescue to Full-Time status. For a detailed explanation, including the proposed side agreement that promises 28 peak time opportunities daily for our members, please view the video linked below. It's important to note that our current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) does not guarantee a specific number of opportunities (language below).

We will address any questions during the meetings on March 19 and 20, where we will also decide whether to accept or reject the proposed language. In accordance with our by-laws, we will use Atwood's Rules for Meetings. Additionally, based on the feedback from our member negotiations survey, we are prepared to make a motion for a secret ballot for voting on this matter. This voting method will be implemented if the motion is approved.

Click here for Willingham's video on side agreement langauge

Click here for side agreement on table


Article 3, Section 3-3. Overtime

Fire department “peak time” rescues will only be staffed by employees on an overtime basis. This item reflects an agreement between the Fire Department and the Union in 1984 on the future staffing of the rescues. The increased work-load and responsibility of the full time rescues was incented by agreement that there would be overtime opportunities on peak time rescues. Further, the department was reorganized through the RBO process in 1993 to enhance ALS and rescue capabilities throughout the city. This reorganization included a pool of employees to staff back rescues and guarantee that no new employee would have to work more than 200 shifts on a rescue. Employees agreeing to be in this pool are then entitled to work on the peak time rescues on an overtime basis when their name comes up in a rotation.

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